U N D E R  C O N S T R U C T I O N:  please check back soon!
A place to collect my thoughts, reflect a bit on the important things of life,
and anticipate with ever increasing expectancy the soon return of Jesus Christ!
     God: You shall seek me, and find me, when you shall search for me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13.

     Hi! I'm Ted Phelps. So glad you could stop by! I officially crossed the threshold leading to old age a couple of years ago, as I fulfilled my three-score-and-ten years. Born and raised in the eastern United States, I found myself out west nearly 25-years ago, and haven't found a reason to leave! I've collected some scars along life's journey, both physical and the emotional kind, and pray that a small modicum of wisdom might have been picked up here and there. But there is One important truth that is my Rock in this unstable world, and that is the truth as it is in Jesus Christ!

Recent years:

     Mary Magdalene's story in the New Testament has always resonated with me, having had numerous encounters with Jesus, finding myself often falling back into putrid sin, for whatever reason.

     Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven—as her great love has shown. But whoever has been forgiven little, loves little.

     Jesus tenderly spoke these beautiful words of Mary at the Pharisee, Simon's, feast in Jesus' honor, as recorded by the Gospel writer, Luke. Mary's past was checkered with sins of every kind; even prostitution and demonic possession. She had numerous tender encounters with Jesus, resulting in wonderful freedom from the suffocating bondage of satan, and loving gratitude to her Redeemer.

     Like Mary, our tender Savior would not leave me floundering indefinitely in the mire. How merciful He is, and mysterious and wonderful are His ways!

Learn more here >>>.

E-mail me at: (ted@phelpscorner.com)