Journey of Discovery bicycle tour



May 24: Nevada's capital, Carson City, brings lots of traffic and urban sprawl, but it's being watched closely by the awesome Sierra Mountains to the west. I continued on through the hustle and bustle to Dayton State Park to the east off Hiway 50. The state park turned out to be infested with voracious mosquitos. In moments every exposed portion of my legs, arms and face were literally blanketed with the hungry pests. Flailing my arms like a some kind of a mad person while rapidly erecting the tent, I dashed inside zipping the entrance behind me. There were several clever mosquitos that were able to follow me inside, so war was declared on all intruders. Finally, trapped inside the sanctuary of my tent, I prepared the bed-roll, ate some fruit and trail mix, and answered some email on the Pocketmail device. It's ashame there were no other camping or motel options anywhere nearby, but I slept great, nonetheless. The morning broke so cool that the blood-thirsty pests weren't circulating, so I was able to make a clean get away.

© Ted Phelps * * * Photos captured using an Olympus C-5500Z
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